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    英语演讲稿5分钟:有效减肥妙招 去雀斑最有效的小妙招

    时间:2020-05-31 08:03:22 来源:千叶帆 本文已影响



      Every day there seems to be a new diet or weight loss regime introduced. Some of them work and others don't. Here are some bizarre weight loss tricks that have actually been known to show positive results!

      Pop Your Multivitamins Daily

      A study that focused on a set of 96 obese women, who took a calcium supplement, multivitamin or placebo for 26 weeks, revealed that the group that took the vitamin had significantly less body fat. This shows that we tend to eat more when our body craves for certain nutrients. Popping your multivitamin daily will help give your body what it needs. While it isn't enough to rely solely on popping a vitamin to lose weight, it may reduce the quantity of food you consume to feel full.




      Choose the Right Spot at the Table

      It is hard to resist al the yummy stuff at the dinner table when you dine out. Try and select a seat at the end of the table because the center seats are where stuff like starters, sharing plates, bread or chips wind up.

      Check Your E-Mail

      If you want access to a blast of information on nutrition and weight loss, a great place to begin would be your inbox. Your email is probably filled with clever tips, tricks and hacks on how to get rid of excess weight, sent to you in the form of newsletters. A Kaiser Permanente study has revealed that people who read weekly wellness newsletters are more likely to eat fewer trans fats.





      Turn Off Your Lights

      An Ohio State University study revealed that experiencing more darkness at night could make your body lighter. According to the study, mice that slept in total darkness were much less prone to obesity than those that slept in dim illumination or a bright light.

      Watch Less TV

      If we eat our meals when we are distracted, we tend to eat more, and therefore, consume more calories. The human body burns more calories while sleeping than watching TV.






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