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  • 当前位置: 蜗牛文摘网 > 人生感悟 > between and的用法_A,comparison,between,Jubilee,and,Uncle,Tom’s,Cabin

    between and的用法_A,comparison,between,Jubilee,and,Uncle,Tom’s,Cabin

    时间:2019-02-03 05:30:05 来源:千叶帆 本文已影响

      Jubilee was written by the black female novelist and poet Margaret Walker (1915-1998), which was characterized as a truthful record of the Black history and slavery around the Civil War. It refuted the biased images of the black people and challenged the dominant construction of history by reconstructing the history of black people from the aspect of black female. Its greatest value lies in its truthful reflection of black people’s life. While the great work of Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a slave novel written from the white female Writer’s perspective.
      Harriet Beecher Stowe was referred as the “women who started the civil war”, and the masterpiece Uncle Tom’s Cabin has shaken the American society. Harriet Beecher Stowe believed strongly in Christianity, and cared about human being’s moral under the influence of her father since she was a child. So she described the cruelty and irrationality of slavery under the background of religion, morality and humanity. The book is written in a vehement voice full of the teachings, viewpoints and comments of the writer. The writer’s subjective viewpoint of religion and morality had a great effect on the content and voice of the book which became passion-arousing and homiletic. Following two plotlines of the experience that the faithful, upright, and pious black slave was sold to the south and tortured to death and the success of the female slave Eliza’s escape to Canada and reunion with her husband, Stowe gave the readers a panoramic view of slavery involving salve transaction, slave warehouse, slave auction, overseers, hatchet man, man hunting, and flogging station.
      Through the languages of different characters, different viewpoints towards slavery are reflected revealing the selfishness, greed, cruelty and mercenariness of the slavery defenders. Stowe created the nearly perfect human character, uncle Tom, who was faithful, upright, pious, capable, responsible, however he was tortured to death because he didn’t sacrifice his principle to flog his fellow workers, another black slave. We can draw a conclusion from Tom’s experience that as a slave, no matter how hard you try to be a loyal servant to your master and a good man consented by God, it is inevitable for him to doom with his blood and life exhausted. On the other hand, the whole system of slavery was founded on the basis of profit-oriented exploitation, with the ultimate goal of gaining the greatest profit which is a breeding ground for violence and greed. According to the statement in chapter forty-five, all the characters are based on true people in reality, hence, the truthfulness of the book and its significance to the real world are enhanced.
      Margaret Walker was female black writer, like Stowe, she also has a Christian background. Her father was a Methodist minister, so her religious belief was greatly influenced by her father and became a pious Christian. The main plotline was Vyry’s life experience, and alternately described the downfall of the white master’s family and the life of the black slaves. The novel strives to reflect the truth life of the black. The prototype of Vyry was Margaret’s maternal great-grandmother Margaret Duggans Ware Brown. In order to make everything as truthful as possible, she reviewed a lot of historical documents and references and visited the locality in the novel. The novel covered a long period of time, so she depicted the most significant, most touching, and most vivid situation and characters, then linked them up into a novel. Margaret as a black woman, didn’t describe the black people from the standpoint of a bystander, instead, she was part of them, and she was writing about her dear own people. She didn’t treat the black as “the black”, but as ordinary people like everyone else, no matter what the skin color was. She reflected their quality, personality, culture, and weakness objectively, trying to convince the readers, white and black, that black people are just people like the white or the other race. She created many positive images including Vyry. Vyry was a female version of “Tom”. Both of them are nearly perfect human being, honest, faithful, kind, pious, capable, and upright. Both of them accepted their fate. Tom treated everything he encountered without complaint, while Vyry possessed more sophistication. When trapped in adversity the only source of power was their God and prayer to both of them. The God they believed in was not the God preached by the white, but the God preached by the black underground church, who ordained “people are born equal,the black people are Hebrews in Egypt, God will be sure to send them a Moses to lead them to freedom.” To both of them God presented love and forgiveness, they were required by God to love and forgive everyone, pray for them, even to those who had badly hurt them. Obviously the Moses in the novel represented Abraham Lincoln, the American president.
      Aanother common theme in the novel is mother’s love. Elisa and Vyry, both of them showed great courage to protect their children. After hearing her master was to sell her son to a slave dealer, Elisa would rather abandoned a materially comfortable life and risk her life to take her to escape for freedom. Vyry, on the other hand, could have successfully ran away with her husband to freedom, but her motherly love didn’t allow her to leave her babies behind her. While she was trying to run away with two young children by her, she was caught by the overseer and received seventy-five lashes on her naked back.
      As a conclusion, Both Ms Stowe and Walker described the slavery truthfully, however they are from different standpoints. Both of their work have a deep Christian background. Stowe’s work was a panoramic picture of the American society and the slavery system, while Walker’s novel was like a move, composed of a series of vivid pictures. While Stowe criticized how cruel irrational the slavery system is, Margaret walker expressed we black people are the same people as the white, we have talents, morals, emotions like everyone else. So don’t just people by their skin color. The white and the black need to understand each other and live harmoniously. ■
      [1]Tthe Wikipedia, 在线百科全书。
      [2]Walker, Margaret. Jubilee, A Bantam Book/ published by arrangement with Houghton Mifflin Company.1985.
      [3]Walker, Margaret. How I Wrote Jubilee.
      [4]Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin , Bantam Classics (December 1, 1982)


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