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  • 当前位置: 蜗牛文摘网 > 智慧人生 > 英语补全对话常用句型【国外坐出租车常用句型和对话】


    时间:2020-04-01 10:02:59 来源:千叶帆 本文已影响


      1.Taking a taxi

      Useful sentences

      words for passengers

      1.Could you tell me where I can take the taxi?

      2.Hop in.

      3.Could you take me to the World Trade Centre?

      4.How long does it take to reach the hotel?

      5.Could you please drive faster?

      6.What is the fairs for the kilometer?

      7.How much should I pay you?

      8.Oh,that is my destination.

      9.Here's the money.

      10.Keep the change, please

      words for drivers

      1.Is it the rush hour now?

      2.We got stuck in the traffic jam

      3.The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of day.

      4.Where to, madam?

      5.The fair veras according to the distance.

      6.Here we are.

      7.Here's the changes

      Fashion conversation


      conversation one


      B:Get in,please. Where to,madam?

      A:The international airport,please.I have to be there by 8:00.

      B:I can't promise anything, but I'll try my best.

      A:Oh,that's my stop. How much do I need to pay?

      B:That'll be 10 dollars,please.

      A:Thanks a lot.here.

      conversaton two

      A:Where are you going?

      B:Take me to the center station, please

      A:OK,here we go.

      B:Do you think you can get me there 7:30?

      A:We shouldn't have any trouble if we don't get stuck in the traffic jam.

      B:Hope we have good luck.

      A:Here we are, you still get plenty of time. That's 8.15$, please.

      B:Thank you very much. Here's 10$,keep the change,please.


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