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  • 当前位置: 蜗牛文摘网 > 美文摘抄 > 人道协调厅:中美洲严重干旱已导致人道危机


    时间:2020-03-26 05:21:05 来源:千叶帆 本文已影响


    人道协调厅发言人莱克(Jens Laerke)12日在日内瓦举行的记者会上表示,中美洲受干旱影响最严重的大多数是自给自足的农民、务农劳工和低收入家庭。






    December 12, 2014 The UN Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on December 12th, the long-lasting drought in Central America are leading to a humanitarian crisis: in Honduras, Guatemala and Salvatore, a total population of about 2,500,000 people lack food due to it.

    OCHA spokeswoman Jens Laerke said on the press meeting held on 12th held a press conference in Geneva that, people who are the most seriously affected by the droughts of Central America are the self-dependent farmers, farming laborers and low-income families.

    Honduras and Guatemala have lost 75% of the corns and bean crops, and thousands of cattle have died. The coming few months, as the food reserves become depleted, the food security problem of local families will be more serious.

    In Guatemala, as early as in August, the government announced that 16 provinces were in a emergent state; by October, 30000 families have run out of grain reserves. In the eastern part of the country, each 4 families see one that are in moderate or severe malnutrition.

    In Honduras, the government has declared a state of emergency of the western region; the survey carried out in September showed that, 20000 children suffered from malnutrition due to the droughts.

    In Salvatore, the country announced that it is experiencing the most severe drought since 1977; in the eastern region, 80% of the farmers have lost all their crops.

    OCHA spokeswoman Laerke said that at present, Guatemala is in need of 13 million dollars at present, the UN Central Emergency Response Fund has allocated 2.6 million; Guatemala is seeking for the support of 17 million dollars; at the same time, the UN organs are helping Salvatore apply for emergency fund from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund.



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