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    A dever Monkey dever

    时间:2019-03-01 05:51:18 来源:千叶帆 本文已影响

      One day a monkey was playing in a talltree by the river. A mother crocodile* and ababy crocodile were swimming in the river.
      They swam slowly*.Suddenly* the mothercrocodile saw the monkey,“Look, dear! There’s amonkey there! He will beour dinner*.”
      The mother crocodile said tothe baby crocodile, “My son,do you love me?”“Yes, ofcourse,”the baby crocodileanswered. Then the mothercrocodile said, “Well, I want toeat the monkey’s heart. Canyou go and get it for me?" "Allright!”the baby crocodileanswered. The baby crocodile swamnear the river bank*. Heshouted* at the monkey,“Hey, Monkey! Would youlike some bananas? Thereare many banana trees overthere on the other bank ofthe river.” The monkey said,“Bananas? I like them verymuch. But I can’t swim. Howcan I get there?”
      The baby crocodile said,“Oh, I can carry* you there.”“Really? Thank you verymuch!”the monkey said.The monkey jumped ontothe baby crocodile’s back.They swam towards* theother side of the river. In the middle of the riverthe baby crocodile dived* intothe water. When he came upagain*, the monkey was wetall over. “Don’t do thatagain, or you"ll kill me!” Themonkey shouted. “1 know,but I must do that becausemy mother wants to eat yourheart,” the baby crocodilesaid.
      The monkey said “Myme earlier*? I don’t haveit with me. I left it in thattree. We will have to* goback for it!” Then theyswam back. As soon as* they got to the bank, the monkey picked up* a big stoneand climbed up onto the tree quickly. He hung* himself up in the treeand shouted at the baby crocodile,“Don’t you want my heart? Well,catch!”The monkey threw the big stone at the baby crocodile.


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