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    时间:2020-02-18 08:38:44 来源:千叶帆 本文已影响


      Li : A businessman of a Chinese Trade company

      Peter: A customer

      P: Good morning. My name is Peter. I'm from the U.S. Here is my business card.

      L: Pleased to meet you, Mr.Peter. My name is Li.

      P: Pleased to meet you too,Mr.Li

      L: Won't you sit down?

      P: Thank you


      L: May I offer you a cup of tea P: Certainly. I like you Jasmine tea very much.

      L: Well, from you business card, I can see that you specialize in oil-drilling equipment.

      P: Yes, as matter of fact, we have been in this business for more than twenty years. Mr.Wang from your commercial office in Washington has referred me to you in the hope that I might be of some help in your oil industry.

      L: Currently we have a strong interest in opening up more new oil fields. We could consider buying from you if the technology incorporated in your equipment is advanced and the trade terms favorable.

      P: I have brought with me a series of catalogs for our latest models. My engineer is accompanying me on the trip. He can meet your technicians and answer any questions about our products.

      L: That's an interesting idea. We shall, first of all, study your catalogs and get in touch with our customers. If they are interested, we'll arrange for further discussion.

      P: Very good. I'm staying in Beijing Hotel. My room is 315.

      L: We'll let you know their responses as soon as possible.

      P: Good-bye!

      外贸业务谈判进程:Preliminary Talk 初次见面 (2)

      L: I understand this is your first visit to our company

      P: Yes, and also my first trip to China. I've always wanted to see with my own eyes China's achievements and now I've been more than rewarded.

      L: I see, but I hope you've had a pleasant trip.

      P: I did, thank you. Well, come to the point, the purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company.

      L: Let me assure you of our best attention, Mr.Peter. What's your line of business?

      P: Cameras and photographic goods. We are distributors with business branches in most major cities in Britain. Now, we'd like to introduce Chinese-made cameras if your conditions are favorable.

      L: We'll see what we can do.

      P: There might be few of models we would be interested in, if I could go over your latest catalogues.

      L: Here you are. How many copies would you like to have?

      P: Ten, please. I'd like to airmail some back home.

      L: Anything else?

      P: Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples?

      L: Why not, Mr.Liu over there will take you down to our showroom.

      P: Thank you. I'm afraid I've taken a lot of your time.

      L: Not at all. Glad to have been of help. Hope to see more of you in future.


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